Billy's Fantasy Space

HK | CUHK | Gradurate | Computer Science | UC | JTI

ようこそ! I am Billy,

Hello! I am Billy, a graduate student from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and will start my Master Journey at CUHK also. Majoring in Computer Science and concentrating in field of Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics.

Currently exploring the sector of Applied LLM such as advanced RAG, auto agent, multimodal. I also equipped the skill of writing both frontend and backend, mainly writing React.JS with NextJS and SaaS to build practical innovated applications.

Me, Myself and I
Me, Myself and I


How Well Can LLMs Echo Us? Evaluating AI Chatbots' Role-Play Ability with ECHO

Man Tik Ng, Hui Tung Tse, Jen-tse Huang, Jingjing Li, Wenxuan Wang, Michael R. Lyu

arXiv, 2024



Multivariate Time Series Analysis in Temperature Forecasting

Utilized vaious deep learning and machine learning method including LSTM, PatchTST, XGBoost, ensemble learning, etc. To predict multiple future days with multivariate using the data from the Hong Kong Observatory.

HK Temperature Forecasting

Full-Stack AI Content Creator

Developed a new imitation strategy and utilised it on role-playing celebrities. Used a Graph Structure with fine-tuned Large Languages models and multiple enhancing system such as babyAGI, web scraping, GAN-based article enhancement, Retrieval-Augmented Fine Tuning, etc.

Full-Stack AI Content Creator:LYU2305@2024

Rettiwt: Mini Social Media

Utilized MERN stack to build a mini social media, equipped with data encryption, verification, performance-optimization, etc. This project considered with cyber security, database interaction, and full-stack development.

Rettiwt: Mini Social Media

Vite Personal Portfolio

My own personal profile that used threeJS, ReactJS, NextJS, TypeScript, and Vite. This project aims to show my personal information, gallery, and projects in a 3D environment with a client-side rendering.

Resume Generator

A Formal Resume Generator with a GUI that aims to generate a formal template and a editable word document. Mainly used PySimpleGUI and python-docx to provide a local and record saving features. (Could be further developed a new version with LLM-powered features)

Resume Generattor


The Chinese University of Hong Kong

MSc in Computer Science

The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Graduate School | Part-time

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Concentration in Quantum Computing, Natural Language Processing, Graph Neural Networks

Sep 2024 - Present

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

BSc in Computer Science

The Chinese University of Hong Kong | Full-time

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Concentration in Intelligence Science

Sep 2020 - Jun 2024